Friday, August 31, 2007
You Are Loved

Posted by Patti at Friday, August 31, 2007 0 comments
SODIUM: The Silent Killer?

In an extended follow-up of two rigorously designed trials, people who reduced their dietary sodium while participating in the studies saw 25 percent reductions in heart disease and stroke risk 10 to 15 years later, compared with people who ate their usual diets.
Most people in the intervention arm of the studies -- where participants reduced the sodium in their diet -- lowered their sodium intake by 25 percent to 30 percent, researcher Nancy Cook, ScD, of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, tells WebMD.
"This was not salt restriction, it was salt reduction," she says. "These people ate normal diets, but we taught them how to look out for hidden salt and avoid it."
5 Tips on Reducing Salt IntakeEating less sodium can help lower some people's blood pressure. This can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Sodium is something we need in our diets, but most of us eat too much of it. Much of the sodium we eat comes from salt we add to our food at the table or that food companies add to their foods. So, avoid adding salt to foods at the table and use these 5 tips to reduce your salt intake:
Take stock of the sources of salt in your diet, such as restaurant meals, salt-based condiments, and convenience foods. Some of these are really loaded with salt.
Read the labels when shopping. Look for lower sodium in cereals, crackers, pasta sauces, canned vegetables, or any foods with low-salt options.
If you think your meals are high in sodium, balance them by adding high-potassium foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Ask about salt added to food, especially at restaurants. Most restaurant chefs will omit salt when requested.
If you need to salt while cooking, add the salt at the end; you will need to add much less. The longer the food cooks, the more the salty flavor is muted and at the end, the final taste is on the top layer.
High Triglyceride Risk Factors
Diagnostic Blood Test Normal Ranges: Merck Manual Home EditionPosted by Patti at Friday, August 31, 2007 0 comments
Remembering Princess Diana: 7/1/61-8/31/97
Posted by Patti at Friday, August 31, 2007 0 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Taking A Bite Out Of Crime
Here is an article about Midge!
"Midge" has now passed her test and recieved her certification as a real K-9 drug detector in the state of Ohio.
Her boss and trainer, Geauga County Sheriff, Dan McClelland, will take the small dog anywhere he has to go. They are ready in the event that the department needs "Midge" to go to work.
The 8 pound chihuahua/rat terrier mix has now set the world record as the smallest drug dog on the planet. The Guinness Book of World Records sent the Sheriff's Department the certificate to recognize the achievement.
"Midge is the little dog, the underdog, said Sheriff McClelland. "It's the fact that a small dog is doing big things that so impressive."
The tiny dog has become a huge celebrity. Open up a tabloid magazine like the National Examiner and there is "Midge" getting the star treatment.
"Midge" has shown up in newspapers and magazine articles as far away as Switzerland and China. Some of her fans even send her gifts like a camoflauge vest, hand painted portraits, and scarves.
Chat with residents in dowtown Chardon, Ohio and almost everybody knows the story about the small dog.
Said resident, Linda Inghram, "everybody has seen little Midge."
Vickie Intihar said "Midge is just too cute to resist".
Glen Miller, the editor for the Geauga County Maple Leaf newspaper, said "Midge" became an immediate sensation.
Said Miller, "Midge is small and he's lovable. Oops, I mean "she". Midge is just so different."
The little crime fighting dog is so popular that she has her own trading cards. The Sheriff's Department has already handed out five thousand "Midge" cards.
It's very clear, that "Midge" is a star. Fan mail for "Midge" can be sent to: midge@co.geauga.oh.us
Posted by Patti at Tuesday, August 28, 2007 0 comments
Breast Cancer Awareness
~Author Thylias Moss
Posted by Patti at Tuesday, August 28, 2007 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Love Recipe
2 Hearts Full of Love
Stir daily with Happiness, Humor and Patience. Serve with Warmth and Compassion, Respect and Loyalty.
~ Author Unknown
Posted by Patti at Monday, August 27, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Dog Day Afternoon
Sometimes I find it hard to keep the lid on things, and today is just one of those days where I just have to let it all out. To begin with, let me say that I have been an avid dog lover all my life, and I still consider myself one even after reading of a news event which involved the mauling of a woman in Washington by two Pit Bull Terriers while she slept in her bed. This was not the first story of malicious dog attacks against people children, and other animals that I have read recently, but only one of many that have taken up in the news lately. There have been several attacks right here in New Zealand recently and I have read several also having taken place in America and other parts of the world....again just recently. It has become more and more of a problem that some pet owners just DO NOT know how to care for their pets, and perhaps also there are not enough rigid laws intact to make it necessary for owners to provide adequate habitats for their pets to assure the public of their personal safety even while out taking a walk. I am not blaming the breed of dog in particular as I know vicious attacks have been perpetrated on individuals and animals by many other breeds other than just Pit Bull Terriers. But when it gets to the point that an individual is maimed for life or mauled to death, this is when we must ask ourselves, " Are we a mature and responsible human being, capable of owning and caring for a dog and adhering to the obligations that should be required for such?" And let's ask the politicians who legislate whether there are laws in our local areas which require dogs to be adequately domiciled when they are not on a lead or a restraint.
Just recently I had taken a walk down to the dairy about a block away from where I live and I was followed all the way home by a Pit Bull Terrier myself. I tried to stay "cool and collected" but quite frankly I was extremely uncomfortable, not knowing what this dog had on its mind. I tried not to show my fear, but I must admit I had the chills running up and down my spine. When I arrived at my home the dog stopped also and thought nothing of doing its business all over our lawn.....but all the while he did not take his eyes off me for one minute. I casually walked to the front door and got in without a major problem, but I really felt that it was an infringement on my rights. I called the Dog Control Center and was actually amazed that they were so UNSYMPATHETIC. The owner eventually found their dog the same day which is another story for another time, but the interesting thing was that I had met the owners who wound up at my front door looking for the dog. As it had turned out the Dog Control Center used no judgement but gave the owners my address and they came knocking at the door. They had just prior contacted the Dog Control Center themselves looking for the dog. They wound up giving me some cockamamie story that someone snuck into their yard during the night while they were sleeping and let the dog out. I've heard it all! Anyway I believe in animal rights but I believe in people and children's rights first and foremost. Let your voice be heard, and if you see strays wandering in your neighborhood call the Dog Control Center or the Police. You just might be instrumental in saving a life!
Here is the story I read yesterday of the incident involving the two Pit Bull Terriers in Washington.
Pit Bulls Break Into Home, Mauls Woman
Tue Aug 21, 11:27 PM ET
Two pit bull terriers broke into a house through a pet door Tuesday and attacked a woman in her bed, mauling her badly, a Pierce County sheriff's spokesman said.
The woman was able to grab a gun and try to shoot the dogs, then break away from the attack and lock herself in her car, where she called 911, sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said.
The woman, who was not immediately identified, was taken to a hospital in Tacoma, where she was listed in serious condition.
Officers planned to talk to the dogs' owner.
The pit bulls also killed a neighbor's Jack Russell terrier, which entered the house during the attack, Troyer said.
"The thought is that the Jack Russell heard noise in the neighbor's house, came in and was attacked by the dogs," Troyer said.
Firefighters responded first, locking the dogs in the house, treating the woman and calling for an ambulance.
Officers "had to pepper spray and fight the dogs until they were detained. We almost had to shoot them on site," Troyer said.
The dogs were taken to a Humane Society and will probably be destroyed, he said.
It was not immediately known why the dogs entered the house, whether the woman had dogs of her own or what set off the attack.
Posted by Patti at Thursday, August 23, 2007 0 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Bussing On Shaky Ground
Posted by Patti at Saturday, August 18, 2007 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
A New Zealand Teen Making A Difference
Posted by Patti at Monday, August 13, 2007 0 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Galactic Suite
Posted by Patti at Saturday, August 11, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Up....Up.... And Away!

Barbara Morgan: Teacher In Space
It was a beautiful evening at Kennedy Space Center for the launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavor. It roared into a flawless liftoff at 6:36 p.m. EDT. STS-118 is the 22nd shuttle flight to the International Space Station. It will be an 11-14 day mission and will continue construction by delivering a third starboard truss segment to add to the Space Station.
The Astronaut Flight Team consists of the following members. U.S. Navy Commander Scott J. Kelly will command the seven-person crew of STS-118. U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col Charles O. Hobaugh will be Endeavour's pilot. Veteran astronauts Richard A. Mastracchio and Dr. Dafydd (Dave) Williams of the Canadian Space Agency will be returning to space for their second missions. Barbara R. Morgan, Tracy E. Caldwell, Ph. D., and Benjamin Alvin Drew round out the crew as mission specialists. Barbara Morgan had been chosen as the backup candidate for the NASA Teacher in Space Program in July 1985. From September 1985 to January 1986, Barbara Morgan trained with Christa McAuliffe and the Challenger crew at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Following the Challenger accident, Morgan assumed the duties of Teacher in Space Designee. From March 1986 to July 1986, she worked with NASA, speaking to educational organizations throughout the country. In the fall of 1986, Morgan returned to Idaho to resume her teaching career. She taught second and third grades at McCall-Donnelly Elementary and continued to work with NASA’s Education Division, Office of Human Resources and Education. Her duties as Teacher in Space Designee included public speaking, educational consulting, curriculum design, and serving on the National Science Foundation’s Federal Task Force for Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. Barbara Morgan's Bio here, and you can find additional crew profiles here.
If you did not have an opportunity to view the launch today you can view the full video at this NASA website. You can also view more Space Shuttle Endeavor photos here.

The Challenger Astronaut Team Bios
Posted by Patti at Thursday, August 09, 2007 0 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
A Gift From The Sea
Posted by Patti at Monday, August 06, 2007 0 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
Reaching Your Dream Takes Courage
Courage is admitting that you're afraid and facing that fear directly. It's being strong enough to ask for help and humble enough to accept it.
Courage is standing up for what you believe in without worrying about the opinions of others. It's following your own heart, living your own life, and settling for nothing less than the best for yourself.
Courage is daring to take a first step, a big leap, or a different path. It's attempting to do something that no one has done before and all others thought impossible.
Courage is keeping heart in the face of disappointment and looking at defeat not as an end but as a new beginning. It's believing that things will ultimately get better even as they get worse.
Courage is being responsible for your own actions and admitting your own mistakes without placing blame on others. It's relying not on others for your success, but on your own skills and efforts.
Courage is refusing to quit even when you're intimidated by impossibility. It's choosing a goal, sticking with it, and finding solutions to the problems.
Courage is thinking big, aiming high, and shooting far. It's taking a dream and doing anything, risking everything, and stopping at nothing to it make it a reality.
Posted by Patti at Friday, August 03, 2007 0 comments
A Dream Fulfilled
Click Above For Detailed Story
Posted by Patti at Friday, August 03, 2007 0 comments